Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I apologize............

I am not very  good at knowing what to put on here and how often to update it so bear with me as I experiment and play around : ) thanks everyone, love to you all!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wow and wow again......

There are so many giveaways going away right now. Too many to mention but the one I want to share with you right now is a doozie!! Most people that enter giveaways don't want to share them because it lowers the odds that they will win. Not me!! I love to see what people make and sell and love to share good finds with all of you. This giveaway is at http://www.mommedesigns.blogspot.com. It has some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in it. From high value shopping gift cards to photos and photo shoot accessories.  Don't hesitate get there now as it ends on Wednesday night February 2nd. Hurry you really don't want to miss this!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Great Giveaway...........

Check out this link-http://craftyjonescreations.blogspot.com/...
right here on google blogs and check out her giveaway. There are a couple of things you can win but the hat and the chapstick holder are a couple of the favorites. They are not only creative but beautiful too. Hurry and check it out the giveaway ends soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Great Giveaways and Reviews.........

So I follow a number of blogs and many of them have some great giveaways. One of those is Sweep Tight. I don't have a direct link to post but there are 2 easy ways to get there. 1) click on the "Sweep Tight" button on the top right of this page. 2) Find Sweep Tight on Facebook, like, and click on the blog link from there. I can't think of any easier way. Ending on the 30th of January is the PowerMat. I don't think I need to tell you what that is, everyone wants one! So go to her blog and check it out. She has a review posted and then of course the giveaway. There are plenty of other reviews and giveaways listed so while you are there check them all out.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shopaholic Mommy........

So if you haven't checked out Shopaholic Mommy on Facebook or follow her blog then you are missing out. Right now there are several giveaways and the one that most interests me is the one from Ulta. Its for the Lorac Limited Edition Box Office Hit Full Face Palette! This is only for one lucky reader and follower of the blog. Ulta has great cosmetics and who wouldn't want to try it for free. Check it out now and you better hurry this is only good until Friday evening, the 21st of January at 8 pm. Hurry this is an awesome chance to win something great and also to follow a great log.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Shopaholic Mommy....

So I have recently been following a blog and Facebook page under Shopaholic Mommy. Not only does she post great deals to check out but she also has great giveaways. Right now check her out and win one of the new Conair curling irons. This thing looks incredible. If you use a curling iron and hate the mark's left in your hair from a regular curling iron then you really need to check this one out. You wrap your hair around it so no burning and no strange marks left behind. I will definitly be buying one if I don't win the one she's giving away! So go for it-you have nothing to lose and something to gain, check out Shopaholic Mommmy's blog and "like" her on Facebook.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Beauty looks different to everyone. While we all have the same general notions about it, it can still mean many different things. Here I hope to touch on several different things that I find beautiful and hope that you will enjoy checking them out!! Thank you!